- Make a new google slides presentation titled “Web 1 Spring Semester Test”
- Slide 1 : Title slide that includes slide title and your name and the date.
- Slide 2 : Web Editing , What are three programs you could use to make a website? Give a short description to each one and hyperlink each one to a respective web site.
- Slide 3 : Graphic Design, What are three programs you could use to make graphic? Short highlight description about each one.
- Slide 4 : Snipping Tool, Use the Snipping tool to take three snapshots from your web site. Include the snap shots on this slide.
- Slide 5 : Tell me how a website could benefit you? 50-100 words.
Embed the Google Slides presentation in your website on your home page.
Under the presentation, put three pictures from this year, at least one of graduation on your site. Login to yearbook picture folder is b102-3, oak01.
Publish – Go to your site, copy the link, paste the link as a comment on this test instruction blog.