All class responses on websites must be 100 percent school appropriate at all times.
Yearbook class is to be working on creating photostory projects for the DVD.
I have lunch duty all week.
iMovie practice videos. Let’s see them today. Add 1-2 picture slides created in Photoshop to video with voice over to existing video not yet published and one that is already published.
Watch finished and give grades.
I will be gone.
Post these links via blog. Find the Oklahoma Driver Manual online save PDF its free.
Link to next year school or college calendar on your site. Link to the Grove YMCA website.
Link to GEFFE website. Har-Ber Village website.
Describe in 100 words something you learned while from one of these sites today. Also write 100 words describing the "best" site and why" All this on one blog post please.
Set a goal today to do something positive for yourself or another. Expect nothing in return.
Rate 5 websites on a 5 star scale. You choose the 5 websites but you may not have mentioned them in a blog or on your website anywhere else.
1 terrible, 5 awesome plus a two sentence description of each website.
Excel refresher.
Make a customized invoice you could use this summer. Post example on your web portfolio.
Prom camera ready?
A/v to prom.
No school Friday. Snow makeup day.
Drivers Ed class community center 8am-1pm.
Prom is Saturday.